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6:45 AM

13.1 mi


6:16 mi


72 F
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COMMENTS: 3.5m warm-up in 24:00, with my legs feeling very heavy, so I tried 2 strides toward the end - might have helped a little. Did 3 Chestnut Hill loops ~ 1.82m. I wanted to start out comfortably hard and work down to uncomfortable by the end. The first was in 10:46 (5:58), then 10:17 (5:39), and finally 9:49 (5:24). The times aren't all that great, but given my recent volume increase, and the muggy conditions, I'm fine with the effort. (30:52 for 5.46m ~ 5:39 avg.) 4.2m cooldown in 27:03, including 3x long strides at the end, which felt better than expected.
