Run: Easy Previous Next


6:15 AM

11 mi


7:09 mi


50 F
  • Map

<No name>


Cutting right to the chase... my achilles got sore a little bit with a couple miles to go, and then went away. I started feeling it again though, right after the run, and it's still a little sore now. Hopefully, this is just a little flare-up that will be gone by tomorrow. We'll see about running tomorrow...

The rest of the run was pretty ordinary - started out around 7:20 pace, and clocked the last couple at 7:00 pace. Legs were a little stiff for a while, but loosened up, and I had a fair amount of energy, which I was trying not to use, so I could recover a bit. Despite the last couple 7:00 miles feeling easy pace-wise, I was starting to get that "beat up" feeling in my legs. Have to proceed with caution for sure.

30 push-ups before the run, and an 8-min. icebath afterward.
