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6:30 PM

5.3 mi


5:35 mi


After a couple strides, they stopped traffic and I got to the line. Shortly after starting I realized Mike Maceiko was in the race. I figured it would be between he and I for the win. We exchanged quick pleasantries early on and the rest was mostly business. I led probably 80% of this race with him taking a brief lead during the 2nd mile, and us being even for parts of the 3rd mile. I think we spent those first 3m feeling each other out and seeing if the other guy would just fall off easily. I didn't want to put too much energy in the big hill after 3m, so I kept a steady effort up it and he went from a few strides back of it mid-way up to even with me as it flattened out. I never wanted to relinquish the lead though, and I worked to keep him off my shoulder. By 4m I felt like I had a couple seconds on him, but never more than that. After about 4.5m I kept waiting for him to make his move and pull up on me, but it didn't happen. After the hill leading to Main St. I still felt like I had a couple seconds on him. And now we were running away from the sun, and as I told him on the cooldown, I was using the long shadows as a way to keep an eye out for him moving up on me. He did, on what felt like 2 separate but close instances. Both times I was giving it everything I had and I was eying the finish line, just hoping I could hold him off long enough to get there first (that's the idea, right?). I really didn't want to lose after leading for so long - I felt like I deserved the win.

I was nervous in that last minute. I know he (like most others) has better speed than I do, but I'm glad I had enough to hold him off. I'm proud of my effort. I kept my head on a swivel, and that's what you have to do when you find yourself in a vicious cockfight.

I'm not as proud of that time though. I know it was warm out, blah blah blah. But it's been warm there everytime I've run it, and this was about a minute slower than my time in '06. Not really sure why that is - other than being 5 years older, that is. Hopefully I can run faster in 6 days. I better.



5:52 - what???

5:48 - good god!

6:03 - seriously???

6:25 - for 1.3m sub-5 pace?

Yes, this is a 5.3m race, and Dave M. with his Garmin said the markers were pretty accurate. I'd rather think they were all long until the last 1.3m. Christ. Thank god I didn't pay any real attention to the times as they were being called out to us, or spend much time looking at my watch. I know this is hilly course too, but it works out to 5:36 pace, and that's just ugly. Okay, enough ranting.

post-script: a couple things I forgot to mention. I spent a few pre-race minutes stretching my right side, and it apparently worked. I didn't have any side-stitch issues during the race. Also, this was the longest I've ever raced in the Minimus. I liked everything about it, but again (broken record alert), they are probably about 1/4" too small. Toward the end of all the downhills, my right middle toe was feeling the beating it was taking. I'll probably still wear them in Carver on Sat.
