Run: Tempo Previous Next


4:15 PM

3.3 mi


6:02 mi

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20 minutes of tempo (10' 5' 5' w/ 1' rest per 5' of work)

This workout was super rough. I was barely hanging on and it was absolutely brutal. Planned on doing to 10' sessions, but as I was wrapping up the first 10', I knew it wasn't going to happen. Broke the last 10' into 2 5' sessions. After 15' of work, Z suggested cutting it off bc of how I felt, but I had to finish the workout out so I slowed the pace to 6:20 to make it more manageable and finished the last 5'. Even at 6:20 it was rough. Being on the treadmill did not help either. I think it would have gone a little better on the track, but maybe not because I couldn't force myself into a pace. All I know is that something is off because I've had two shitty workouts in a row. I'm 80% sure it's my lifting routine, so I'm gonna try and change that and see if things improve.
