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7:25 AM

2 mi

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8 x 200m rep work at mile pace, 200m recovery jog

Was a little worried going into this, right hamstring was real tight, however, by the time I finished my warmup and strides, I was feeling good, with only the rare step containing any tension. Maintained a solid pace for each rep, never slacked on one. Reps 4-6 were a bit tough, but pulled through and had an amazing final rep, getting up on my toes and powering through the finish (didn’t go nuts, but faster than the rest). Focused on my form and stride, especially with the hammy tension and other bouts of pain I’ve felt the past week. I think everything is fine, but still need to be careful. Cooldown was smooth and unstrenuous. Did preventative drills with the blue band, and full static stretch when done. Kore tonight, and did another set last night.
