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7:30 AM

13 mi


5:47 mi


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JOHNSTOWN TIME TRIAL! Dave-54:40, Me-57:37, Pete-58 low, JBS-59:40, Jack-60:00? Something like that. Adam 61? Tyler-62? Not sure about Trey.

Good effort by everybody! VERY HUMID!!!! It was already 80 degrees when we got to Johnstown. Felt good first 3 miles, then going up the hill I felt awful, about to puke! Dave and pete pulled away then. After cresting the hill, I felt good again and ran pretty fast down the hill to the turn around thus catching Pete. On the way back my whole objective was to gap Pete as much as possible. Turning into the last mile my soaked shoes became untied. Furiously, I tied one of them and then my other shoe became untied but I just trotted in to the finish hoping Pete wouldn't pass me back. Not sure how fast I would've gone if I wouldn't have had the shoe string debacle but I figure it would've been around 30 seconds because it threw me off quite a bit. Overall though, it was a PR and a good run! Happy with getting second and very excited with where the teams going, especially when you put Bowser in the mix.



Great job yet again Caleb!


Thanks! Awesome job at CDR, very hot/humid day to be running a hilly 15 miler!