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10:00 AM

8.5 mi


6:29 mi


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Rotary Park


6x1200 workout at Rotary. Humid as hades!!!! Started off at 3:51, 3:53, 3:59, 3:59, 4:00 then coach made us do an 800 instead of a 12 because he knew we were struggling and I pulled a 2:31. Not bad. I felt really good on the last 800 but overall felt rough throughout the workout, probably due to the heat and humidity and Rotary being Rotary lol. But I did lead the last 3 intervals so that was cool! Good workout overall. It's workouts like these that don't seem like much but these make all the difference.



No workout at Rottery is ever as smooth/easy as one would want. Although I think that loop is perfect for getting XC fit, I sure don't miss ever running there again! haha


For sure! Haha I hear ya! Hey are you coming to the Cross Country Alumni weekend thing this friday?


We're going to be out of town :(

Hopefully this will be an annual event now that Travis is working with the Big Green and in charge of these type of things.