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10:30 AM

10 mi


87 F


8 / 10
6 / 10


Pretty good workout today. I wanted something kind of short and quick but that would get me used to running fast on roads. I forgot my running shorts at home so I ran with basketball shorts....of course chaffing was imminent. It started even on the warm up! Ugh it was awful, but I just pushed it out of my mind throughout the workout. Started out at 2:29 and cut the 800s down to 2:24, which was a tad downhill. Then the 400s were all over the place from 72 to 61 just depending on which direction I went. Days like today make me wish Marshall had an outdoor track on campus.



Strong workout and strong race this weekend Caleb!

Even though it was run down and needed many repairs, having a track right next to campus was always nice during my years at Mu. Sure is a shame that it got torn down for dorms...hopefully they will at least get that 300m indoor track built while your there!


Thanks! You too!

Yea, for sure. I'm really hoping they get it built before I leave. I think it's supposed to be up and running by my Junior year but with Marshall who knows lol.

I don't think I'm going to be able to make the long run tomorrow (even though it sounds fun with you and bubby and all the rest of the guys) but I'm going to try to make it down sometime and run with you, and hopefully bring David Caldwell or Trey with me.


Actually change of plans..I have to go earlier now so I'm meeting McCollam and Bubby at UC at 7am...probably still not early enough for you to get back to church but if so catch a ride with Bubby!

I'll plan some summer Saturday LRs!