Run: Fast Finish LR Previous Next


20 mi


5:58 mi


30 F


St. Blaise first and then the Boomer, so I could get the fast finish over rolling hills.

Felt really good early on and made myself put on the brakes because I was running sub 6:00 pace a few miles in. Came through 14.5 at 6:11 pace and then started the fast portion. My goal was to run under 5:10 average but I wasn't sure how it would be because of the hills. Ended up averaging 5:13 with balanced splits of: 5:09 (equal rolling), 5:09 (equal rolling), 5:38 (1000m hill that gains about 150 ft), 5:07 (downhill), 5:03 (downhill). I was a little bummed with the average but I was running hard. I thought I would run sub 5:00 for sure the last two miles but there was a headwind running down Saundersville. I'm probably also a little tired from the Thursday/Friday combo, which I really felt on the big hill;
