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3.1 mi

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<No name>


Ran this at the Buccaneer Bolt 5k and my plan was to just run hard enough to win. At the gun, a few guys took off and I hung in the back. About 800m in, I ran beside the leader and stuck with him almost the rest of the route. Since he got all mad at the water monitor for not crossing the street to personally hand him his water, I decided to mess around with him some. With about 800m to go, I started falling back some to act like I was tired and then caught back up and left him with 400m to go. I decided to just jog it in and I thought In had it in the bag. With less than 20m to go, he flew by me in an all-out sprint. My heart suddenly dropped and I was certain I was going to lose to this guy because I would run out of room to catch him. I dug down as hard as I could and literally had to lean at the tape to beat him. I let that get way too close and if he would have passed me 5m later in the race, there would have been no way I would have been able to beat him. I forgot my time but it was a low 18.
