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6.7 mi


51 F


Plan was 6400m progressive tempo (sub 5:10, 5:05, 5:00, 4:55), 400m jog and then 4x400m at 65ish with 400m jog.

20:01 (5:05, 5:06, 4:58, 4:52). Got out too fast, and had to slow down. Got out too fast again on the 2nd and had to slow down. Stayed pretty steady on the last two miles. Was expecting this to be harder than it was and felt really good and smooth.

63.3, 62.6, 62.5 and 61?

First one was easy. Second was fine. On the third, my hamstrings could feel it the last 25m or so. On the last, my watch fell off at 350mish and I was a second faster at 300m than I was on the 2nd and 3rd ones, so I called it 61. Legs got a little weak 50m out. Kept all of these controlled and tried to run smoothly. Motivating workout.
