Run: Easy Previous Next


5:00 PM

5 km


adidas Savage


171 lb
  • Map


This was a trial run. The results are as follows:

Toe- Felt fine, i am ready to get back into training full time barring any residual pain.

Shirt - Worked well. need to tuck in fully, possibly into waistband of supporter because Camelbak pulls it up.

CamelBak - Have to wear it on back, in front it bounces like crazy. Tighten waist straps and loosen ancillary cinch starps. Tighten them as water level decreases. Will be easy to get used to.

Ipod - Worked fine. The only difficulty was the rubber thing on it made it hard to get out of pack to adjust volume. Removed rubber sleeve after run. Battery seemed ok but was only on for 20 mins.

Headphones - The cord to them was the only thing that bothered me. Found secondary routing hole on Camelbak for them after run. Should be no problem.

Next run wear HR monitor and carry phone and recorder.

Remote Viewing - Did not even attempt it. Noticed increased levels of mental excitement due to headphones that actually made me a little dizzy at times. Not bad but noticeable. This could potentially get in the way of future remote viewing states. Soon try Monroe Institue Hemi Synch program thru headphones. I expect superp results from this. Should be fine for longer runs.
