Run: Easy Previous Next


13.5 mi


6:27 mi

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<No name>


So I went out for the first 6.7 in 6:42 pace. Another run where I thought it was a bit longer, but alas, it was not. Either way, I felt pretty easy going out. The roads were pretty well paved, the gutters were all filled with mush snow, so those were quite slippery. The roads were fairly non-busy, not empty per se, on the way out. Got to the turn around, but felt good, so I decided to adventure into uncharted territory. Eventually decided to turn around once the watch hit 45 minutes. On the way back, I thought F it, I'll try the tempo back. Hit 6:12 pace on the way back with it all into the wind. The pace doesn't reflect it, but holy crap, do I feel fit. It felt like my legs were dunzos going into the wind, but 5 seconds after the wind let up, I'd feel good and be able to push again. I pushed the last mile, then harder the last 800, then even more the last quarter mile and up the hill home. I will be the biggest.
