Run: Hill Previous Next


9 mi


6:48 mi

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<No name>


We made a plan to try an 8 mile run up a mountain that we ATVed up the other day. We ran a 2 mile warm up on a slight incline in 14:02. Then we attempted the climb to Gem Peak. We ran the first mile and it was all up hill and very steep. I pulled away from David and Steve a little bit but we all basically went fully anerobic. We stopped for about a min to make sure we didn't get too far over our heads. Then we went up a even steeper incline and we only last a 1/2 mile before we were all anerobic again. I did the 1.5 in 15:08 and it was all straight uphill with no give or downhill. It was super tough and too much for us so we called it and got a ride to the bottom. Once at the bottom we found a flat road that had some little downhills and ran on that, 5.5 miles for Tyler and I. Longest run since the injury and I felt alright. The straight uphill incline took a lot out of me. We bit off more than we could chew when we planned this workout but still got a pretty good run out of it. Gem won this round. Stretching, rolling, and BHR afterwards.
