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13.3 mi


5:18 mi

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Atlanta Half. Goal coming in was to be able to race around 5:15 pace and be somewhere between 68 and 69:30 if things went well. Course ended up being long and strava gave me a 69:22 half so happy with that considering the hills. Finished 14th overall behind 9 pro men, 2 pro women, a 19 yr old, and zachdiz

Ran most of the race with zachdiz and Jake as a pack. Smoke was there for almost the first mile and licari popped in for a bit. All of us besides smoke finished within 90 secs so solid day overall. Through 10 miles we were rolling 5:10-5:15 with lots of rolling hills and more downhill than anything else. Last 5k was a lot more uphill and that got a lot harder. Pace slowly faded into the 5:2x's and that is when Zach pulled away from me. Also shit myself at mile 11 which was not ideal but better than stopping, it helped that Zach did that as well.

Happy with this considering the lack of consistent workouts but solid mileage. Need to get that cranked back up and look forward to shamrock and then eventual fall marathon


Jazzed Pear

hell yeah