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21.3 mi


5:39 mi

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<No name>


Wanted to just go out and get a solid effort that was harder than a normal run but below a true tempo pace. Went out with the plan to build down into the 5:40's and then stay there. Basically got there the 2nd mile and was in the 5:30's a lot with one or two 5:20's. Took a poop break at 8.5 miles and got stuck by a freight train at like 15 for a while. Otherwise I didn't stop to Gu or anything because I just kept going away from my house for the route. Felt really good and smooth for 90% of this. Legs started hurting the last 10ish mins but not bad. Really happy that I know that I can crank this out. Looking forward to some solid, faster workouts the rest of break


Dom Dina
