Run: Tempo Previous Next


5 mi


5:30 mi

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<No name>


Bix 2015. Plan was to tempo the full 7 to just get a hard effort in, was hoping to run between 38:30-39:00. Ran the first mile up the hill in 5:40 and was feeling great. Only saw that the next mile was 5:05. Worked on keeping it controlled and went through the 4 mile in 21:##. Felt some fatigue but not too much. Once I got to about 4.5 miles I started seeing dots and losing ability to keep form. Once I passed the 5 mile banner my vision went completely black so I had to stop and sit down. I guess I then passed out and came to with a volunteer dumping water on me and then I had to get checked out by the paramedics. Once all that was done I just jogged it in to finish. Pretty pissed because I was on pace to run what I was hoping and I felt overall pretty good. In the end I didn't really sleep much last night and was not hydrating as well as I should have. Just have to let this one go.
