Run: Long Previous Next


19.3 mi


6:24 mi

  • Map

<No name>


Solo long run because I wanted to sleep in and let myself catch up on some sleep. Ran through some new neighborhoods that I had never been in before. One of them was an "aero" community with a run way in the middle of it for smaller planes. Each house had an extra garage for their own plane which was pretty cool. I ran past a guy who had just started his plane and I watched him take off. Got a little lost in the one neighborhood so went a little extra distance. Then checked out the little trail Beaver and I found. Threw down a golf course loop and a faith loop. Closed the last 4 miles in just under 24:00. Ran with music for the first time in like 2 yrs which made the run go by pretty quick.



U suk d00d