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11:15 AM

11 mi

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2.5 mi warm-up on treadmill + half mile S&C around track

Stretches, Drills, 3 x 60M Flys

3 x 1600M repeats (@ descending pace) w/ 400M jog recovery/3:00 minutes

1 - Carmen pace - 5:25.4 (83 - 83 - 79 - 79)

2 - Carl pace - 5:11.4 (79 - 78 - 77 - 77)

3 - Carmen pace first 2 laps/Carl last two...Carmen pressed last 200 - 5:05.9 (77 - 77 - 76 - 74)

1000M jog/7:30 minutes

4 x 200 @ 1500 pace w/ 200M jog recovery/1:45 seconds

1 - 32.7

2 - 32.3

3 - 30.9

4 - 30.8

3 mile cool down on treadmill + light lift post run (Carl GS + upper hypertrophy/Carmen BOSU)

Notes: Overcast/light rain. Def worked out at the right time considering the rest of the day. Besides first two laps of first repeat, GREAT workout. Both wore flats.
