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6.2 mi


6:26 mi

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<No name>


probably the most difficult race I've done

mentally I kept feeling like I was gonna drop out or start to not be able to breathe because exhaustion plus stress

physically my fatigue set in earlier than I expected and around 6K I started to feel the effects

the last two miles felt like they went on and on and on and on and on and on but I tried to remember my first 10K and take it lap by lap which also made me feel like I had a lot to go but gave me something to focus on I guess? also the series of ups and downs

I eventually just kept trying to put one foot in front of the other and tried to my best ability to keep going I kinda felt like I was gonna fall flat on my face tbh

the first 5K was with amber and we looked steady

we were 3 laps ahead of nearly everyone so that was difficult because I was basically on my own the last 4K but everyone was really nice and supportive with one another and the macalaster coach was helping me and giving me my times and my splits and cheered me on so that was really awesome

I wanted to break 40 but considering my last 10K I dropped and the one before that was 40:51 I think the 45 second PR is good enough so
