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3.1 mi


5:59 mi

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<No name>


pretty nervous for the first race back but I felt actually relatively calm

don't like having 9 u of m girls in the 5k every time because they blow us all out of the water and make everyone start super fast

I on the other hand decided to go out the way I wanted and didn't let anyone affect me because I know a good amount of the girls fall back by mile two and I was right

a giant group ahead of me all spread apart and fell back

my first mile was 5:56 and idk my other ones but I was happy I set myself up for a good first mile

my main focus when I do 5Ks is to start out in a way where I can not only maintain it but also get faster as it goes on and I did just that

this might have been my best race of all time honestly I some SOME moments of like oh shit idk if I'm gonna break 19 but I immediately was able to push through

I think something that really helped me with my speed was not settling on a girl in front of me and assuming she's going my same pace because usually thats not the case so every girl close to me I would step in front of appropriately and this helped maintain my momentum

I like my new spikes a lot and they got me up on my toes which was really helpful especially for the last two laps I was cooking

I probably passed like 10 girls the last mile or so

by mile two I didn't feel horribly tired so I think I should be able to break 18:40

overall super happy and I've been imagining a moment like this for months on end while spending hours in the pool and light speed and doubting myself and my body and I know I deserved this and worked hard for this and overcame a lot and I've been thrown a lot of shit the last couple months and this really made me feel like things are turning around and in my control



I was going to snap chat you, but congrats on the PR and going sub 19!!!!!!!!


hey thank you!! I really appreciate it!