Run: Race Previous Next


7:00 AM

5 km


10:57 mi


75 F


Signed up for this race in between broken leg 1 and 2. Got the cast off my leg 2 weeks and 1 day before this event. Didn't want to go. Bill needled me into going to the event and walking the course while he ran around Shelby Bottoms. I saw Adam. Told everyone I was walking. Felt half-hearted about the event, to say the least. The gun went off, I walked to the start line, pushed the start button the Garmin and took off running. Who knew? I was as shocked as I could be. I ran until mile 1, which is decent, for someone who hasn't trained for this event or who hasn't run in well over a month. I walked briefly, then ran some more until after mile 2. I walked until I saw Bill coming around the lake loop, at which point I asked him to run me in. I didn't have a finishing kick in me, but I did manage to finish in less than 34:00 minutes. In looking at the numbers, I got slower and slower from beginning to end, so that's backward. The humidity was absolutely horrendous!
