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1:00 PM


148.2 lb
  • Exercises


Came down with a bug last night, wasn't feeling so hot this morning and wasn't sure if I should take the day off but decided to go at last minute. Not totally into the workout and didn't push it too much. Tried some squats which bothered my right knee but don't think it is any worse after. Felt pretty good up to 115 but 135 was getting a little heavy.

Squats - 2x5x95, 2x5x115, 1x5x135

Deadlifts - 2x5x135, 1x5x185, 3x3x225

T-Bar Rows - 1x12x50, 1x10x75, 2x6x100

Lat Pulldowns + lat pressdowns + bicep curls
