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1:00 PM


148.2 lb
  • Exercises


Overhead press a bit smoother than last week, 5th rep a grinder. Bench Press not so bad, no pauses. Front squats still tough but getting better, knee took a while to warm up and is a bit sore after as to be expected.

Overhead Press - 1x5x65, 1x5x75, 1x3x90, 1x3x100, 1x5x110

Front Squats - 1x5x95, 2x5x120, 1x8x120

Bench Press - 3x9x165

1 Arm Kettlebell Press - 1x10x16kg, 2x8x16kg

Front Raises - 3x8x25

Face Pulls - 3x15x42.5
