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2:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Still had a bit of DOMS but thought I was good to go for deadlifts

Deadlifts (from floor)- 1x5x135, 1x3x165, 1x2x185, 1x1x205, 1x1x225, 1x5x235 (was pointed out that I need to tight my lats, and pull my shoulders back preventing them from rolling forwards. 235 was very very hard, didn't feel totally in control)

Face Pulls - 3x10x42.5

Leg Raises - 1x8, 2x6 (done with face pulls)

Russian Dips - 3x5, 1x6

Bench Press - ladder to 5 at 135 w/10 (skipped the 3 rep on way down as upper body was quite spent)

Worked on dragon flags, getting better but lower back does hurt a bit when declining
