Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:36 PM

3.7 mi


6:36 mi


Nike Zoom Fly


159 bpm
182 bpm


1 C
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Cherry Beach


Much better tempo today. I felt like my left Achilles and right foot were getting a bit better so I decided to try out the Nikes. Could feel slight pain in my right foot from the outset but left foot didn't feel too bad. Right foot pain eventually dissipated but left started coming on. Towards the end of the tempo I could really feel my Achilles with every step and both feet were sore during cooldown. They seem to be recovering ok after though.

Cadence was pretty high again throughout tempo. I wouldn't say I was more or less relaxed than last week for the first half but pace was better and today I felt fatigue came on more slowly. For this reason I extended the tempo to 6k. Wind was mainly from the northwest so I felt it most coming out of TT and coming back along Unwin. Had quite a bit of a kick left for the last 300m. Definitely the strongest tempo so far this year. Some hamstring DOMs but didn't really feel it during run. Cooldown with L. was ok.
