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1:00 PM


146.8 lb
  • Exercises


Still feeling effects of cold but expected to perform better today. Didn't have any power for deadlifts, was not happy with reps at 275 and then failed at 295, felt like I just didn't have any energy after the earlier sets. Did start to feel a bit better by end of workout though.

Deadlifts - 1x8x135, 1x5x185, 1x5x225, 1x3x255, 1x3x275

Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 3x8x135

Front Squats - 1x5x75, 1x5x95, 1x5x105, 1x5x115

Split Squats - 1x8x45, 1x8x65, 2x6x85

Kettlebell Swings - 4x20

Leg Raises - 3x8
