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1:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Face Pulls - 3x12x35

Bench Press - 1x5x135, 3x5x155 (not too bad)

Close Grip BP - 3x5x135

Rack Pulls - 3x5x185 (felt pretty good)

Pallof Press - 1x10x32.5, 2x15x22.5 (dropped weight to try to get more square)

Did some rowing after, 10 minutes warm-up followed by 5k in 20:09.9 (split 2k in 8:02, 2.5k in 10:05, 3k in 12:06, first 500m in 159.0, last 500m in 159.3, average stroke rate was 25, 27 in last 500m)

Then did 20 minutes easy on elliptical running at 7/5, cadence 182, heart rate in mid to high 140's
