Run: HM Pace Previous Next


11:35 AM

10 mi


7:24 mi


169 bpm
201 bpm


14 C
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Decided on 3K easy, 10K hard (tempo-HM pace) and 3K easy to finish. The 10K hard started on the bridge at Davis Road and turned around 1K past the boat launch. With the newly paved section, about 7.5K was on paved roads. The first 1.25K was flat so there was 7.5K of hills in total. Elevation gain over the hills of about 110m. Legs felt pretty strong over the hills and effort was pretty even throughout. Got hard towards the end but never maxed out. Went into a slow jog when finished and then picked up the pace a bit coming home. Averaged around 4:17/km which I figure would be closer to 4:05-4:08/km pace on flat roads or something around HM pace.
