Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:20 PM

3.7 mi


6:40 mi


146 bpm
148 bpm


-2 C
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Similar workout to last Friday with an extended warm up and cool down run at close to easy pace. Cool down today was especially fast with the tail wind. Tempo this week was 6kms starting after a break. Wind was brutal with a steady 50-60 km/h wind coming from the west. The worst part was the straight stretch along Ontario Place. It was really hard to increase the effort and keep a high cadence into the wind as it kept knocking me off balance and the cold and wind made it hard to gauge breathing. By the time I turned around my hands were frozen but aerobically I wasn't in too bad of shape. The second half with the tailwind was actually easier and more comfortable. Finished pretty strong without leaving tempo zone. GPS looks to have been a bit screwy in parts too. I definitely ran like an extra 20 meters coming back despite Garmin measuring it 30 meters shorter than going out. Could be coming back was even faster or going out was even slower. Either way the splits into the wind vs. with a tailwind are even more exaggerated than the data shows.
