Run: MPace Previous Next


12:19 PM

13.2 mi


7:12 mi


152 bpm
191 bpm


14 C
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Started off with a pretty brisk 5K before starting 15K of MP. Conditions weren't horrible but there was consistent headwind in kms 3-7 in TT. The top of my left big toe was aching pretty bad from the beginning. I don't think it really got worse but it is quite sore after. My left knee also started to ache about midway and is tight after. I felt both of these things were holding me back a bit.

The start of the pace work was pretty relaxed. I upped the intensity as I entered TT to counter the headwind. Started hitting a light tempo effort by the 7th km. With the turnaround at the lighthouse I now had the wind behind me and was able to relax a bit. Pace also dropped. Took an Endurance Tap after 9K and then just ran pretty steady through to 13K maintaining pace and trying to avoid hitting max tempo effort. The last 2K there was some wind so I was forced to work harder to maintain pace. Also was starting to tire. Finished strong without leaving tempo but knee was pretty craggled after.

Not a bad effort especially coming just 3 days after the time trial. Disappointing that I was fighting the toe and knee throughout though.

15K average: 4:13.7

First 5K: 4:15.8

Middle 5K: 4:11.9

Last 5K: 4:13.5
