Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:39 PM

5 mi


6:30 mi


140.6 lb


23 C
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Cherry Beach


Tough tough tempo. Sunny and dew point was about 17 so definitely a little on the humid side. Still a tiny bit of DOMS mostly in lower back. Goal was to do around 4:05 pace considering the heat. Started off pretty relaxed even though the pace was on the quick side. Didn't really feel any hurt by the turnaround so wasn't too worried but once I turned around I faced some wind from the south and the accumulation of the sun + humidity started to take it toll. After 5K I was considering quitting around 6-6.5k as my legs were feeling heavy and the effort was becoming too stressful. Also started feeling some discomfort on my right side, not sure if it was side stitch of tightness from my lower back DOMS. Luckily it never got worse. The 6th K reflected this cumulative fatigue but I decided to give it another few hundred meters to see if I could get back on track. By 6.5K I was feeling slightly better and pace had improved so decided to continue to the end. Breathing was under control 99% of the time and I always made sure I had another gear in reserve as I didn't want it to feel like a race effort. Finished strong but did notice by cadence dropped off in the last 2kms, had the power to keep pace but couldn't get my legs turning over. Overall pleased with the effort but it did feel quite hard and am not sure how I could handle another 8K at this pace if I am going to do the 10 miler.
