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1:00 PM


150 lb
  • Exercises


Still can't hit 225 on bench. Warm ups went well, 205 was pretty strong, definitely could have got another rep but wanted to save myself. Was able to hit 215 and 220 without too much of a grind. 220 may have actually moved faster than 215. But again had nothing left for 225 and completely psyched myself out just second guessing. Misgrooved the first attempt and didn't do any better on the second attempt. Did an AMRAP at body weight after which felt really solid. Wore wrist wraps today which I think helped.

Bench Press - 1x5x135, 1x3x165, 1x3x185, 1x3x205, 1x1x215, 1x1x220, 1x19x150 (paused) 2x10x135

DB Incline Press - 1x12x55, 2x10x55

Narrow Dips - 3x8x35

Cable Flys + Bar PRessdowns
