Run: Easy Previous Next


12:45 PM

6.2 mi


8:05 mi


151 bpm
165 bpm


16 C
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Went to the gym last night, did 10 minutes warm up on bike followed by an extensive leg workout - front squats, box step ups, single leg deadlifts, leg extensions, glute extensions, seated calf raises, back extensions, planks, shin walks. Did some stretching and massaged my calves and left foot after. Wasn't feeling so hot this morning, shin pain + left arch/heel pain while lying in bed. Right ankle was hurting before run but faired pretty well during run. Right adductors and hips were quite sore during run, left side was feeling more recovered. Tried wearing compression sock but right shin still hurt off and on, some pain was sharp. Left arch felt ok except for intermittent heel pain. Left achilles experienced some stabling pain towards end, not sure where that came from. Overall my legs were relatively fresh and the run went better than what I had originally expected. Will try longish run tomorrow with HM pace in Kinvaras, and then take it from there.

Dew Point: 6
