Run: Tempo Previous Next


1:33 PM

3.7 mi


6:33 mi


141.4 lb
179 bpm
191 bpm


5 C
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A lot warmer today causing all the ice and snow to turn to slush. Wanted to do a tempo so headed to Unwin Ave. to run on the road as I figured it would be clear with not much traffic. There were massive puddles in spots that covered the entire road, lots of mud too, navigating my way through and around these spots definitely cost some time and energy but there was virtually no wind and the temperature was just about ideal. Felt comfortable in shorts, tank and long sleeve.

Started out somewhat conservatively and locked in a good pace from the outset. First couple of kilometers didn't feel difficult aerobically but my body was feeling a bit sluggish. It wasn't until the turn around that I started to feel a little more comfortable and by the end I felt like I could have gone another K or 2. Possibly my best tempo since Scotiabank, sort of surprised it went so well especially after the sluggish start. Cadence and heart rate looked good, breathing was pretty much in control the whole time. Left arch liked the Kinvaras and right hip held up despite some soreness last night and this morning. There was some shin soreness on the cool down.
