Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:54 PM

3.1 mi


6:36 mi


177 bpm
197 bpm


26 C
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Wanted to try a 5K tempo up and down Moore ravine. Started and finished in the parking lot to get the 5k. Got pretty hot warming up along Bayview as the sun was pretty intense. Dew point was only around 15 though. Luckily the ravine is a little cooler and mostly shaded. Took it out pretty hard but controlled with the goal of averaging 4:15-4:20 going up. Was pretty happy with the splits as I was able to maintain a solid rhythm never really leaving tempo except for a couple of uphill digs. When I hit the top I took a couple hundred metres to try and get composed and settled back into tempo breathing. Unfortunately I never fully settled down so the downhill was a mix of tempo and anaerobic pushes. Despite this I never really hit 100%. Felt like I was also doing a good job of flushing out the lactic and was able to finish pretty strong. For sure this was closer to a race effort at points.

Ended up running the uphill and downhill faster than I have ever done before.
