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1:00 PM


140.2 lb
  • Exercises


Workout at gym. Knee has been getting a bit better as I've been trying to activate my quads. Still aches walking down stairs and stretching. Decided to do 20 minutes on elliptical and 10 minutes crazy slow running after workout. Elliptical wasn't so bad but quads were burning after. Felt like I was jogging weird on treadmill to avoid discomfort. When I punched it up to 7.0 stride felt awkward and some discomfort in knee was felt. Was a little tight stretching afterwards. Better than last run but need to be very careful with this. it seems like a lot of lower body and core muscles have just shut down the last couple of days as I've been feeling soreness in weird spots.

Yesterday did a little back workout upstairs including deadlifts at 1x5x125, 1x5x175, 1x5x195, 1x5x205, 1x5x215

Today did:

Bench Press - 1x6x135, 1x4x145, 1x2x155, 1x8x135, 1x6x145, 1x4x155, 1x2x165, 1x8x145, 1x6x155, 1x4x165, 1x2x175 (was pretty spent by the end)

Dips - 1x8x25, 2x8x45

Incline DB Press - 1x8x45, 2x7x45

Face Pulls
