Run: Tempo Previous Next


2:13 PM

3.8 mi


6:24 mi


168 bpm
175 bpm


14 C
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Decided on a tempo on a 2.06KM loop around Corktown. Ended up being a lot tougher than I anticipated. Garmin seemed to measure the loop about 30m short so I adjusted the distance after. Went out way too fast and I really wanted to quit after the first loop but decided to tough it out. Pace slowed substantially as legs were feeling really heavy and I just couldn't get them turning over. The constant down and ups plus tight turns really made it hard finding a rhythm. It started pouring about midway through but footing was ok. Left knee held up ok, didn't really feel worse than walking around but right hip wasn't the best. Felt a little off from the start and feels pretty tight after. Not the worst workout but it definitely feels like I have lost some fitness.
