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1:00 PM


141.4 lb
  • Exercises


Worked on front squats, tried to get deeper than I have been lately and did a pretty good job. But it was tough. Paused first 4 at 95, 3 at 115, 2 at 125 and first reps at 135 - same as last week but depth was much better today. Left knee a little achy but hamstring was ok.

Front Squats - 1x8x95, 1x6x115, 1x4x125, 2x2x135, 1x10x95

Push Press - 1x5x75, 2x5x95, 1x5x105

Step Ups - 1x8x65, 1x8x75, 1x6x85

Glute Ham Raises + Glute Kickbacks
