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1:00 PM


141 lb
  • Exercises


Didn't want to go too heavy at gym especially since my SI joint/lower back wasn't feeling quite right this morning. Felt some awkwardness/instability in the area with deadlifts preventing me from locking out properly - also caused me to be lazy pulling from the ground, not setting up properly. Seems to be ok after though and didn't bother me running. Got good power from my right side during front squats, walking lunges feeling especially even. Right glute is getting stronger.

Front Squats - 1x5x95, 3x5x115

Deadlifts - 1x5x135, 1x5x185, 2x5x225

Walking Lunges - 1x12x30dbs, 1x10x35, 1x8x40

Bench Press - 1x8x135, 1x8x145, 1x8x155

Pull Ups + Cable Rows + Glute Kickbacks
