Run: Tempo Previous Next


12:33 PM

12.3 mi


7:25 mi


185 bpm
190 bpm


-2 C
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Goal was to do easy 6K warm up, 8K HM pace, 6K easy home. The HM pace ended up being more a tempo but I was happy with results averaging 4:02 over the 8K. Not bad considering the extended warmup. There was some wind from the west so the back half was more favorable. I didn't look at watch until the 4K mark but then kept note of pace in the second half which I think kept me motivated. Was actually surprised later to see how slow the first 2 kms were and was glad I wasn't aware at the time as it definitely would have discouraged me. Legs really started tiring after making it to the top of the hill at 6K and was thinking of stopping but pushed through. Went into a jog right after withut too much of a problem but the workout was tough.
