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2:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Bad workout. Tried holding back with deadlifts and was feeling great but on the 2nd rep at 235 just before I touched the bar back down I felt a little pop in right hip again. Stopped immediately. Tightened up almost immediately but hopefully not so bad as it did happen on the eccentric portion and I didn't continue once I felt it. This really does not make me want to ever do deadlift training again.

Achilles was a bit better today. Was able to run home without any pain but I could feel tightness on my right side so I need to be careful I don't compensate for this while it recovers.

Deadlifts - 1x8x115, 1x5x165, 1x5x185, 1x3x205, 1x3x225, 1x2x235

Walking Lunges - 3x8x30lb dbs

Hamstring Curls - 3 sets

Wide Grip Pull Ups - 3x8
