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1:00 PM


152.2 lb
  • Exercises


Decided to skip deload week for OHP. Last rep at 105 was really tough. Squats started off weak, some tightness in right groin but felt better by the end. Lower rep sets were done slower with more depth.

Overhead Press - 1x5x65, 1x3x85, 1x5x95, 1x5x100, 1x5x105

Squats - 1x5x95, 1x3x95, 1x2x105, 1x5x115, 1x4x115, 1x3x115, 1x2x115, 1x1x115, 1x3x95

Split Squats - 3x8x45

One Arm Kettlebell Clean & Press - 1x10x10kg, 2x10x12kg

Farmer's Walks w/24kg kettlebells - done with face pulls

Face Pulls - 3x10x42.5

Rack Pulls - 1x5x135, 1x5x185, 2x5x225
