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1:26 PM

4.8 mi


6:46 mi


155 bpm
174 bpm


6 C
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Cherry Beach


DOMs a bit better than yesterday. I think I recovered ok from yesterday's run although was a slight bit sluggish on warm up. Decided to do the workout at Cherry Beach as there was a strong wind from the east so I figured at least part of the reps would be sheltered. There were a couple of big puddles that I had to run through, feet especially got soaked on the 2nd rep. The wind was pretty constant, some parts stronger than others but luckily it never gusted to where it knocked me off balance.

First rep into the wind was pretty good, was able to negative split it and finished right around 3:43 pace. Relaxed a bit on the second rep with tailwind. Rests were longer than normal and pace was average. I really felt like I needed the longer rests today though after Sunday's race, yesterday's 14 miles and DOMs from the gym. Third rep I pushed hard and again was able to negative split without emptying the tank. Fourth rep was again easier than 3rd with pace below 3:40. By the end of the 4th my legs were pretty tired and I just couldn't handle going into the wind again for the fifth rep. Decided to turn around at 600m and have tailwind for the second half. Pace was really slow for the first 600m (around 3:48) so really had to motor in the second half to get the overall pace back down to around 3:42. Maxed out the last 400m finishing strong with the tailwind.

Was pretty knackered afterwards but was still able to complete cool down. Pleased with workout as despite being slower than last workout and having longer rests my legs just weren't fresh at all and the wind was pretty strong.

4:25.1 (3:40.9 pace)
