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3:00 PM

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  • Exercises


Workout at gym after doctor visit, looks like it might be a gastro calf tear.

L-Hold Pull-Ups - 1x8, 1x6, 1x5

Face Pulls - 3x12x42.5 (done with pull-ups)

Front Squats - 1x5x75, 3x5x95 (a little harder than I expected)

Push Press - 1x8x65, 1x5x95, 2x5x105 (not bad although last set tough)

Deadlift - 1x5x135, 1x2x175, 1x1x185, 1x1x195, 1x5x205 (a bit easier than last time)

Angled Chin-Ups - focused on power and negative

Calf really bothering me especially at points during workout, swollen pretty good after. Back of knee also not feeling the greatest today. Bike wasn't so bad though.

Did 20 minutes very easy on the spin bike upstairs after.
