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2:00 PM


141.6 lb
  • Exercises


Stayed up last night watching Berlin Marathon so didn't get much sleep. Workout went pretty good considering. Front squats felt very solid as I did a good job staying back on my heels. Still shifting to left though coming out of the whole as right side continues being weak. Paused first 4 reps at 95, first 3 at 115, first 2 at 125, and first ones at 135. Depth was to parallel but not crazy deep as the main benefit of the squat shoes is allowing me to get to parallel without pitching forward. 15 pound PB for front squat!

Front Squats - 1x8x95, 1x6x115, 1x4x125, 2x2x135, 1x1x145, 1x1x155, 1x1x160

Step Ups - 1x8x65, 1x6x85, 1x6x95

Leg Raises + Glute Ham Raises

Glute Kickbacks
