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11:57 AM

16.4 mi


7:48 mi


134 bpm
172 bpm


19 C
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Cherry Beach


New shoes are getting worked in pretty good now, no problems with them. Plan was to do 26K picking up the pace in the second half. Wasn't ideal temperature with the humidity but it was nice to run under the clouds for a change. Heart rate was looking pretty good until it stopped working. Right ankle bothering me this morning and could feel it for the first few kms. Calves and Achilles had been feeling tight and started getting sore towards end of run. Also felt some odd pain in left knee towards end of run. Some tightness in adductors, glutes and hip flexors but nothing like last long run. Felt spent by 26K, feet quite sore. Overall am pleased with effort; it was hard but I never was at my limit. Stopped for water at 5K, 13K, and 20K. Took GU at 17k. Some headwind between 18 and 23K.

14-19K 4:47.6 pace

19-24K 4:19.6 pace (+ stopped for 39 second water break at 20k)

10K split 14-24K - 45:36 (4:33.6 pace)

Finished last two fast kms at half marathon pace

Dew Point: 17
