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1:00 PM


147.4 lb
  • Exercises


Strong chest workout. Warm ups felt pretty good and first set at 190 was solid. 2nd set a little rough but recovered well before the last set. 6th rep was a grinder and normally wouldn't have tried a 7th rep but decided to on a whim. Butt came off bench but I was able to push through the sticking point to complete the 7th rep. Did a body weight AMRAP at the end practising breathing and doing controlled reps. Took a deep breath after every 2 reps and then after every rep once I hit 10. Dips at 90 didn't have the greatest range of motion.

Bench Press - 1x8x135, 1x5x170, 2x5x190, 1x7x190, 1x15x150

DB Incline Press - 1x10x60, 3x8x60

Dips - 1x8x25, 1x8x45, 1x5x70, 1x5x90, 1x10x45

Cable Flys + Bar Pressdowns - 4 sets
