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1:30 PM

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  • Exercises


Crappy workout, bench press just wasn't there, knew warming up it would be hard as the weight just felt crazy heavy.

Face Pulls - 3x12x35

Bench Press - 1x2x170, 1x3x170, failed 185, 1x5x155, 1x8x135 (I did the 135 after about 30 second rest so pleased with that, the 155 was after a shorter rest too but nowhere near as good as the 7 reps I did last time when maxing. The 185 fail was pathetic, 3 reps at 170 was at least better than 2 at 175 I did last time. Was hoping for at least 4 reps on first set, not sure what to do now)

Deadlifts - 1x8x95, 3x5x135 (hard but form seemed good, no pain in groin, will go heavier next week)

Back Cable Rows - 3x8x100

Angled Chin-Ups - 2x8, 1x6 (did these with minimal rest after rows)

Went to rowing machine after and warmed up for 5 minutes (1102m) followed by a 500m time trial in 1:48.7 - started the time trial splitting 1:43-1:45 but completely fell apart in last 200 meters.
