Run: Tempo Previous Next


6:15 AM

3.1 mi


6:35 mi


150 bpm
166 bpm


24 C
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St. Barts


Decided on a tempo today. Got out a bit earlier to beat the heat and traffic as much as I could. Warm up was nice and easy, gettin gbetter acclimated to the heat. Did the tempo along a 1.3km stretch around the pond so had to make 3 180 degree turns. A slight riser in the stretch but otherwise flat. First km felt pretty normal but by the 3rd km I was working hard and the heat was starting to get to me. Lactic was building and legs were really tiring I think because of all the hills the last couple of days. Was happy to see my pace not drop in the 4th km but felt I had nothing to give in the final km. Despite it feelin glike my legs were running in mud my pace was actually improving which was pretty surprising. Breathing did accelerate a bit as I just couldn't maintain purely in the tempo zone. Was pretty spent afterwards but cooldown was ok. Cadence a little low but power was there. Overall quite pleased with effort as I didn't have the best shoes and the heat and humidity is tough. Also spent a lot of energy worrying about cars especially at the 180 degree turns.
